Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Wild West

A few months ago, I helped The Redhead move all of his belongings to Colorado. He drove the U-haul full of chew, beer and stinky stuff.

I drove his brand new truck full of cute puppy dogs and lilacs and roses.

We started in Pinckneyville and drove to South Dakota, where he was living at the time.

Then we drove long ways across South Dakota to do some sight seeing. The home of Laura Ingalls Wilder!! I was so excited. Didn't see Halfpint, Pa would be so disappointed. Yes, I was taking pictures while I was driving. It's cool Mom.

Wanted to go see the Corn Palace but The Redhead said: "No Time, MUSH!!" I think he was grouchy cause he didn't have a radio. He had no time for such silliness.

We stopped to see The Faces on the other end of South Dakota. It was quite breathtaking.

I didn't think I would enjoy it very much, but it ended up being a favorite of the trip. Not sure why I thought it was a good idea to bring such a big purse though.

Had to stop a lot to let the dogs stretch their cute puppy legs. This was the most stressful part of the trip. Those dogs are like my children and they were stressed so I was stressed. And Gracie was on such good behavior, she only got away from us 3 times.

Egads! This was before puppy dog rattlesnake shots, we had to high tail it out of their. One bite could kill a pup.

Had a wonderful time in the Black Hills. Even got to follow someone for an hour going only 15mph. Winning!

After going through South Dakota we stopped in Wyoming to visit The Redhead's Sister, Redette and Fam. She took us out to eat and we gave their kids big gobstoppers. Fair deal I think.

Josie wanted to know if the yellow tasted like cheese.

The next day we made our way down through Colorado. Beautiful drive. Actually I think I liked Wyoming best. It's Beautiful there with rolling hills and tumbleweeds. And I even saw a REAL cowboy. Not a Southern Illinois fake but a real one, driving cattle and such. Be still my heart.

Finally reached our destination! What a long 4 days!

First things first, got the pups situated and they fell asleep after a few minutes. They were exhausted. And I think Marley was upset with us, she really wanted to see the corn palace.

Then, of course, before unpacking, eating, and showering, we had to get the garden in. Update: Unfortunately, The Redhead chose Wal Mart to go plant shopping. The sweet corn was actually popcorn, the watermelons were actually pumpkins, and the snozeberries did not taste like snozeberries.

After a few days of settling in, we decided to fly on over to Egypt. I thought it appropriate to wear a Wyoming shirt, to represent the cowboys. Actually this is the Sand Dunes, an hour from where Joe is. Pretty cool mountain of sand.

The Redhead stole my camera while I was visiting nature. Yes, that is a Natural Light. We had to pour one out for our homies.

Overall it was a good trip, saw lots of things, and I only had 2 nervous breakdowns over the pups and bathroom breaks ( The Redhead loathes pit stops).

I just got back from a visit to Colorado and saw these! Elk!! And I even spotted them before The Redhead!


  1. I'm so glad you're writing again!! Please keep it regular--I love your stuff. I added your blog link to my blog, by the way. I thought I had done that a long time ago, but I hadn't!! Better late than never, right? :)

  2. Nice trip!!!! I still want to see the black hills some day...

  3. This is great, Yvonne!So glad to have another witty blog to read, along with Lisa's. You both are so funny! Keep um coming!

  4. I love that you talk in Laura Ingalls Wilder speak! Awesome.

  5. Loving the picks. Looks like a nice trip. The last time i was out that way i was 13 and bought a bull whip at my Rushmore the promptly put a nice big welt across my face. Good times!
